The Rising Online Threats
Posted below are some threats (cybercrimes) which are most likely to happen in the digital world when user is not aware of the misconducts and deceitfulness of other users who take advantage of unawareness.
These are some of the rising online threats every digital citizen should watch out for:​​

Phishing is a type of cybercrime in which a person posing as a legitimate institution contacts a target or targets via email, phone, or text message in order to trick them into providing sensitive information such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card information, and passwords.
The data is then utilized to get access to sensitive accounts, which can lead to identity theft and financial loss.
This type of threat could lead into a domino effect or threats and would open a lot of door for cybercrimes which is why being vigilant and meticulously suspicious of things you receive online is better than giving into such unreliable sources for temporary joy.
Identity Theft
Identity theft occurs when someone pretends to be you by using your personal identifying information to conduct fraud or obtain other financial benefits.
Your entire name, home address, email address, internet login and passwords, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, or bank number are all examples of personal identifying information. Thieves who gain access to this data may use it to perpetrate identity theft or sell it on the dark web.
Identity theft could happen through a lot of unforeseen circumstances such as scamming and hacking where those people gets into your data illegally.